GraphQL Playground Day 1

A blog all about GraphQL Playground

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WARNING Blog building in-progress, come back again soon as updates are happening here.

How To: Export GraphQl Playground Tabs

My first experience with GraphQL Playground went pretty well, but I quickly ran into some issues once i realized that the tabs do not persist. I had previously went through testing some of the Stargate API documentation and filled my screen with some operational tabs. Next time I game back to GraphQL they were all gone. Oops. This behavior really pushes hard for an import/export feature. A quick google search later I wound up on an Open Github Issue #6. In the comments a user exposes a method to import/export the tabs. I figured this would be a great first post for my GraphQL Playground blog.

First I install the Google Chome Extension for Local Storage Handler and download the graphql-playground object. It is a huge minimized json object but you can click the popup button to make it more human readable:

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I see the session section corresponding to the two default tabs. Lets modify those, add the auth token, and re-import this back to GraphQL Playground. This will be a great basic test of export/import exposed by the original poster. I tried quite a few attempts and although I am able to edit the object, import, and see the changed values, nothing in the UI changes. If i reload, nothing indicates a change and I do not see the new object values. If if i refresh the page I am stuck back with the default workbook.

Next I inspect the sessions and notice the sessions are different. If the session is not persisting this means the solution will not work. So i chat up a few internal resources and got linked back to another GitHub Issue #797. Yikes… To make further progress on this post I am going to have to build my own graphQL UI.

Branching be back later…

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Find me over on the Stargate Discord to ask me any questions about Stargate. Also let’s chat if you have something kewl you did with Stargate and you want me to feature it in my blog. Look below or to the right for more ways to find me.